Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

We hope everyone had a great Halloween.
Brooklyn stayed home with me again today since her fever didn't break till last night. She was much better today- still moody, clingy and not fully herself till this afternoon. The fever is gone thankfully and she is getting back to normal- we're so happy!

We went to Brendan's school this morning to watch his parade in his costume then at about 4 pm we walked through the plaza next to our house as they had Trick or Treating- Brendan made out very good on candy there. Then he had a party at Tae Kwon Do from 5-6- more fun! We ate at my parents house and then walked around their neighborhood. Brooklyn was so good riding along in her stroller watching all the kids and her brother! Brendan got SO much candy- we went to a lot of houses and made it back to my parents house just in time for the rain to start coming down!

All in all it was a fun Halloween. Brooklyn was so tired by the time we got him she basically dove for her bed and went right to sleep!
Hope everyone else had a great day/night!
I posted all pics on the website if you want to check them out.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sick Baby Girl!

So Miss Brooklyn has been sick the past couple days. She came home from school on Monday with a fever and as of 1:30 pm it had spiked again to 103 degrees! She also has a yucky cough and ear infection! We're crossing out fingers that her temp will stay down once she is up tomorrow! I hate seeing her like this. She is not herself at all- she just layed on the floor this morning watching cartoons and she has Never done this! Send some get well vibes our way!!
Here's a couple of pics of her!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

So Miss Brooklyn is sick :( so she went to bed early tonight. Brendan and I decided to get our pumpkin and carve it! Brendan was such a big help and got most of the guts and seeds out. I then scraped the sides and got the rest out.

Brendan picked out a cute face for it and helped me trace it out and then cut everything out. He did a great job this year!! Here are some pics of the fun and of Brendan!

I'll get some pics of Brooklyn with the pumpkins tomorrow!!
Brendan with his big pumpkin, his & Brooklyn's little ones and the funny face one he got!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Desktop Meme

I was tagged by Tiffany over at for this meme. * Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by: Going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scan (PrtScn) key. Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

* Post the picture on your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such a look or why is it full of icons–things like that.* Tag five people, and ask them to give you a free view of their desktops as well.

We just got our brand new computer so this is one of the few pics I have on it!
I tag

Amy at

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

AHHHH eBay!!!

SO I don't buy on eBay too often but when I find something I want, I HAVE to have it!!! I found this dress and fell in love with it... I was watching it and decided to bid last minute... well somebody else was too. I set myself at a limit but as usual I went over!! Ugh!
Oh well Brooklyn is going to look so darn cute in the dress!! I can't wait to get it. Now I have to get a bow or something for her hair to go with it!!
Maybe Tiffany can make me one with her new skill!!
Here is the link to a pic of the dress!


Monday, October 8, 2007

Why can't every night go so well?!

Most week nights I am going from the time we walk in the door till after 10 pm!
Tonight we came home, I put dinner in the oven and sat down to feed the baby. Brendan got all of his homework done fast and got in the shower. I got the baby ready for bed and then her and Brendan got to play for about 25 mins. She came crawling over and was so tired so I gave her a kiss and put her in bed at 7:30!!! She never goes to sleep this early.
After I put her down, our dinner was ready and Brendan & I got to eat and just hang out!! It was nice. Then we hung out some more while I got stuff ready for tomorrow. I was able to sit down about 8:30 for some computer/TV time.
Wow it was a great night!!! Now I just need to get to bed at a reasonable time!! It never happens!!! lol

Until I post again.....

Counting Down....& Great News!!!

So we have less then 2 months till James is home!! We are so excited. It's been such a busy year but it's almost over! AND Great news for James- he passed his sergeant exam! He hasn't been pinned Sgt yet but should be soon after he comes home! So happy for him as he worked his butt off for this and totally deserves it!! So now we have to decide what we will do. We're still not sure if he will re-up or what.

I'll keep everyone up on what he decides and when he will be home!! YAY!